Master Data Management

For many domains, especially the customers, with a single 360-degree view is obtained many targets such as increasing sales, reducing operational costs can be achieved.

Master Data Management; is an entirety of technologies and processes that ensures collection of critical Master Data in different systems, databases and applications of the organization to a central ‘Hub’; and making these subject of as singularization, association, enrichment, etc and serving these to different business, process, units, locations, applications and channels according to their accessing, sharing and security sensitivities and that provide service to the whole of technology and processes.


In order to provide a unique image of customers that you have different information from different channels and have difficulty understanding that they belong to the same customer, we provide;

  • Data Model Design specific for Master Data
  • Defining Match and Merge Rules
  • Developing Match and Merge Rules
  • Preparing User Screens
  • Ensuring Integration with Source and Target Systems
  • Preparation of Integration Services
  • Defining Security Criteria

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